FP Unterlagen fuer Masterstudierende
Weiterführende FP Unterlagen für Master-Studierende
Nr. Versuchsbezeichnung Raum Ma1 Compton-Effekt (n.s.) 0.4.57 Ma2 Low Energy Electron Diffraction on Surfaces (LEED), English version 0.4.02 Ma3 Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 0.4.02 Ma4 X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) 1.4.24 Ma5 Auger and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy 1.4.24 Ma6 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), appendix 1,2,3,4,5 0.3.20 Ma7 Raman Scattering 0.4.09 Ma8 Superconductivity 0.4.07 Ma9 Dynamics Lipid Bilayers 1.2.21 Ma10 Kerr Effect and Magnetic Anisotropy 1.4.24 Ma11 Magnetization and Suszeptibility of a Paramagnetic Salt 1.2.39 Ma12 Photoluminescence Ma13 Solar Cells HMI