Physikalisches Kolloquium & SFB 1078: Prof. Carlos R. Baiz - Picosecond interfacial dynamics in crowded lipid membranes probed with ultrafast 2D infrared spectroscopy
Prof. Carlos R. Baiz ist Associate Professor am Fachbereich Chemie an der University of Texas at Austin, USA.
Im Fachkolloquium wird er erklären, wie seine Forschungsgruppe mithilfe von 2D-IR-Spektroskopie die lokale Dynamik der Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen an der Lipid-Wasser-Grenzfläche untersucht.
Lipid membranes are much more than barriers between cell compartments, they are integral components of the cell involved in key functions such as signaling, transport, and sensing. Membranes are composed of hundreds of different lipid species and contain thousands of proteins. The biophysical implications of membrane heterogeneity are not fully understood. Our group uses 2D IR spectroscopy to probe the local hydrogen-bond dynamics at the lipid-water interface.
In this talk I will discuss our current work on using transmembrane peptides with backbone isotope labels to probe the degree of water penetration into the bilayer, as well as using a range of peptide concentrations to “crowd” the lipids. Our results show that the presence of polar residues in membrane proteins increase the degree of water penetration within the bilayer. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss new experimental methods developed in our lab, including pH-jump 2D IR spectroscopy, that can be used to probe protein and lipid structural dynamics on timescales ranging from nanoseconds to milliseconds.
Kurze Vita
Carlos Baiz ist W.T. Doherty Associate Professor für Chemie an der University of Texas in Austin. Sein Labor erforscht die Biophysik komplexer Systeme, unter anderem Biophysik überfüllter Umgebungen und heterogener Lipidmembranen, Membranproteine und Tenside, unter Verwendung ultraschneller zweidimensionaler Infrarotspektroskopie (2D IR) und Molekulardynamiksimulationen.
Zeit & Ort
21.10.2022 | 15:00 c.t. - 17:00
Hörsaal A (Raum 1.3.14)
Fachbereich Physik
Arnimallee 14
14195 Berlin
Weitere Informationen
Gastgeber: Prof. Dr. Joachim Heberle, Sprecher des SFB 1078 "Proteinfunktion durch Protonierungsdynamik"
- Forschung
- Kolloquium
- Physik
- Physikalisches Kolloquium