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Our department has many options for students and scientists affected by the war in Ukraine

Для студентів фізики та науковців

Open for Ukranian students

Open for Ukranian students

Наука не має кордонів і є проявленням інтелектуальної свободи. Ми, фізики університету Freie Universität Berlin, прагнемо підтримати студентів фізики та науковців, які тікають від війни та агрессії. Ми надаємо Вам можливість продовжити свою професійну кваліфікацію в нашому науковому колективі. Ласкаво просимо!

Для студентов физики и учёных

Наука не имеет границ и является проявлением интеллектуальной свободы. Мы, физики университета Freie Universität Berlin, хотим поддержать студентов факультетов физики и учёныx, спасающихся от войны и агрессии. Мы предоставляем Вам возможность продолжить свою профессиональную квалификацию в нашем научном коллективе. Добро пожаловать!

Für Studierende und Physikforschende

Wissenschaft ist frei und hat keine Grenzen. Wir, die Physikerinnen und Physiker der Freien Universität Berlin, wollen Physikstudierenden, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern auf der Flucht die Möglichkeit bieten, sich an unserem Fachbereich weiter zu qualifizieren. Herzlich willkommen!

For physics students and scientists

Science is free and has no borders. We, the physicists of the Freie Universität Berlin, want to offer physics students and scientists fleeing a war a chance to continue their professional qualifications at our department. Warm welcome!

Our programs

You want to study physics and know German?

You can apply to our free* Bachelor's program, even after the official application deadline. If you do not speak German, you may be able to attend some classes that are taught in English.


If you know German already but not at the level sufficient for admission (C1 CEFR),  it may be possible to get a conditional program admission.

If you only know English, you can register with a “listener” status and attend some classes that are available in English. There is also a welcome program that can help with the German language for eligible students.

You already have a Bachelor’s degree in physics and speak fluent English (CEFR B2 or higher)?

You can apply to our free* English Master’s program in physics. 

You have a Master’s degree in Physics and have a strong scientific overlap with one of department’s experimental or theoretical research groups? You can apply directly to the PI of that group. 

It is also possible to apply for a temporary “visiting scientist” stipend. This option will allow you to collaborate with our department while maintaining your current affiliation.

You have a research collaboration or a strong thematic overlap with one of the department research groups?

Please contact our experimental and theoretical groups directly. Additionally, there are fellowships you can apply for. 

We offer

* exept small enrollment fees includig public transport fees

Who can apply

These offers are open to Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war as well as to others affected by the current crisis including students and researchers from Russia and Belarus.


Prof. Dr. Kirill Bolotin

Quantum nanoelectronics of 2D materials @ FU Berlin

Prof. Dr. Piet Brouwer