Winter term 2018/19
Wintersemester 2018-2019:
Lecture: Advanced quantum mechanics (20104301)
- Lecturer: Jens Eisert
- Time and date: Wednesday 12:15-14:00, Friday 10:15-12:00 (starting on October 17)
- Exam date: February 15, 10:15-12:00, Hörsaal A
- Second exam date: April 5, 10:15-12:00, Hörsaal A
- Room: 1.3.14 (Hörsaal A)
- Topic: This course is aimed at giving a comprehensive introduction to advanced quantum mechanics. This can mean many things: For us, this will primarily mean that we are concerned with quantum many-body theory: Quantum systems with many degrees of freedom show a rich and fascinating physics, ranging from superconductivity, superfluidity to critical phenomena. We will start from basic quantum mechanics and move on to the study of identical particles and their implications in quantum many-body theory. Interacting systems will feature as well. To be compatible with other courses that are referred to as being advanced quantum mechanics courses, we will also discuss notions of scattering theory and elements of relativistic quantum mechanics.
- Tutorials (20104302): There will be tutorials held that accompany this course. The three tutors are:
- Ryan Sweke <rsweke(at)>
- Sergio Acero Gonzalez <seraceberlin(at)>
- Nathan Walk <nathan.walk(at)>
The tutorials will be held at the subsequent times and locations:
- Tuesday 16:15-18:00 (Seminarraum E1)
- Wednesday 14:15-16:00 (Seminarraum T1)
- Friday 8:15-10:00 (Seminarraum T2)
Homework sheets will be made available here
- Sheet 0
- Sheet 1
- Sheet 2
- Sheet 3
- Sheet 4 (Note: question 2 d) updated. Solutions here)
- Sheet 5
- Sheet 6
- Sheet 7
- Sheet 8
- Sheet 9
- Sheet 10
- Sheet 11
- Sheet 12
- Sheet 13
- Lecture notes: There will be lecture notes coming along with this lecture. However, they will be growing along the course and made sequentially available.
- Chapter 0: Introduction
- Chapter 1: Elementary quantum mechanics
- Chapter 2: Identical particles
- Chapter 3: Elements of second quantization
- Chapter 4: Field operators
- Chapter 5: Fermi gases
- Chapter 6: Bosonic systems and superfluidity
- Chapter 7: Superconductors
- Chapter 8: Lattice models and strongly correlated systems
- Chapter 9: Tensor network methods
- Chapter 10: Topological order - Exam results can be found here. If your exam result is not on the list, please contact one of the tutors. Exam scripts will be available for perusal in room 1.3.17 this Thursday (Feb 28th) between between 1400 and 1500.
- Supplementary exam results can be found here. Exam scripts will be available for perusal in room 1.3.17 next Tuesday (Apr 16th) between 1400 and 1500.
- Final results can be found here (including updated results from the supplementary exam.
Research seminar: Recent advances in quantum many-body theory (20010416)
- Lecturer: Jens Eisert
- Date and time: Contact the lecturer